Cookies Policy

What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain web pages. Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about browsing habits of a user or a computer and, depending on the information they contain and the way you use your computer, can be used to learn about the user.

What does this website use cookies for and what are they?

This website uses cookies for a number of purposes, including:

  • Analysis: are those cookies that either, treated by us or by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of users and thus perform the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by users of the service. For this purpose, your navigation on our website is analyzed in order to improve the user experience.
  • Technical cookies: Technical cookies are those essential and strictly necessary for the proper functioning of a Web portal and the use of the different options and services it offers.
    For example, those used for session maintenance, response time management, performance or validation of options, use of security features, sharing content with social networks, etc.

The details of the cookies used on this website are as follows:


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From third parties Collect information about the navigation of users through the site in order to know the origin of the visits and other similar statistical data. It does not obtain data on the names or surnames of users or the specific postal address from which they connect. Google Analytics Google Privacy Center
Post Views Counter pvc_visits Own Tool whose utility is to count the visits to articles or events entries to know the number of readings to these articles without identifying personal data at any time. Cookie-cat WordPress cookie catalog
WordPress wordpress_test_cookie Own This cookie is used for the WordPress content manager to check if the browser has cookies enabled. Privacy Policy

How can I disable or delete cookies?

You can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring the browser options installed on your computer.